Egg Cleanse Meaning: How to do an Egg Cleanse Ritual and Interpret the Meaning of the Results

Egg Cleanse Meaning: How to do an Egg Cleanse Ritual and Interpret the Meaning of the Results

An egg cleanse is a simple spell that takes negative energy from your body and spirit and sends it into an egg. It can be really helpful if you’re feeling a bit down, have been unwell or just feel like you need to be spiritually refreshed.

Egg cleanses are a popular spell within many different cultures including Mesoamerican, Greek, and Scottish. Modern witches have adopted the practice as a way to visualize negative energy leaving the body.

You can do an egg cleanse for yourself or someone else. Like everything in witchcraft it is the intention that matters most so don’t worry too much about completing the ritual perfectly. As long as it is meaningful to you it will work.

Here is a brief overview of how to complete an egg cleanse ritual and how to interpret the meaning of your results.

The Egg Cleanse

You will need:

  • A smudge stick or incense. (Optional)
  • A towel
  • Clean, room temperature water
  • An egg
  • A clear drinking glass

Step 1: Cleanse the Egg

You might like to first cast a circle to protect yourself during the ritual. Feel free to light a black candle and dim the lights to add to the atmosphere and boost the spell.

It pays to cleanse the egg of any negative energy that it may have acquired before making its way to you. You want it to be a clean slate for picking up your energy. You can do this by:

  • Running it under cold water
  • Smudging with sage or other incense
  • Washing in a mixture of lemon juice and salt water

When you have finished cleansing the egg pat it dry with a towel and you are ready to start the next step.

Step 2: Fill the Glass with Water

Fill the glass to about 1/4 full with clean water. You might like to use moon water for an extra spiritual boost. The egg cleanse works best at room temperature so if your tap water is cold you might like to leave the glass of water on your altar for a few hours to adjust.

Step 3: Set Your Intention

The most important part of any spell. Hold the egg in your hands and focus on what you want to achieve. Hold the egg up to your mouth and whisper your intention into it. You might say something like:

“With this egg cleanse I will be free of bad luck”


“This egg cleanse will remove the negative thoughts plaguing me”

Step 4: Rub the Egg Over Your Body

The next step is to rub the egg all over your body to draw out the negative energy. Start at the top of your head, moving in small circles, and move slowly down your arms, torso, legs and feet.

Try to stay calm and reflective while moving the egg down your body. If the egg breaks at any point get a new egg and start again from the beginning.

Step 5: Break the Egg into the Glass of Water

When you are ready break the egg into the glass of water. Be careful not to break the yolk. Leave it to sit in the water for 5 to 10 minutes. You might like to use this time to meditate and focus on feeling free from negativity.

The results of the egg cleanse will be able to tell you how much negative energy has been released and even the source of it.

Egg Cleanse Meaning: How to Interpret the Meaning of Your Egg Cleanse Ritual.

Egg cleanse meaning: make sure you view results from the front not from above.

When viewing your egg cleanse results make sure you look through the side of the glass, not the top, when interpreting your meaning.

The position of the yolk, egg white or any discoloration tells us a lot about what kind of energy has been released by your egg cleanse and what this means for you. Here are some examples of different egg cleanse results and their meanings.

Clear Egg Cleanse Meaning

Clear egg cleanse meaning. What does it mean when your egg cleanse is clear?

When you egg cleanse comes out clear, with no white or other colored features in the yolk it means that there was no negative energy removed from you. This means that whatever problem you are facing is not caused by anything supernatural or by negative energy.

Cobwebs Egg Cleanse Meaning

Cobwebs Egg Cleanse Meaning. Cobwebs mean someone has placed a curse on you.

If white cobweb patterns appear in your egg cleanse it means that someone may have placed a curse or the evil eye on you. It could also mean that you are tangled up in a situation and feel trapped. If you have cobwebs in your egg cleanse you should do another type of cleansing ritual to get rid of it like this one.

Bubbles Egg Cleanse Meaning

Bubbles are the ideal result in an egg cleanse. Bubbles mean that the negative energy has been drawn out of you and put into the egg. If there are a lot of bubbles you might like to do another egg cleanse to make sure all of the negative energy has gone.

Spikes or Needles Egg Cleanse Meaning

If white spikes or needles appear in your egg cleans it means that there are people around you trying to harm you. They may be taking advantage of you or stealing your energy. If you know who these people are you might like to spend less time with them or do a cord cutting ritual to separate your energy from theirs.

Yolk Face Egg Cleanse Meaning

If a face appears in the yolk during your egg cleanse ritual it means that someone is out to get you. You may have an enemy that you don’t know about. The egg yolk may take on the features of the person who is your enemy which may give you some clues as to who it is.

Blood or Smelly Egg Cleanse Meaning

Blood, other discoloration or a bad smell could mean that someone is using negative magic against you or you may have an undetected illness. If you are concerned consult with your doctor for a checkup. It’s a good idea to do another egg cleanse or other protective spell in this case.

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